Applied GCE IT

Thursday, November 09, 2006

ICT in Africa

There is a lack of ICT in Africa because of:

Bad power supply
Bad Telephone Lines, or non existent
Not enough foreign currency to import technology
Lack of computer literate personnel

What they need are people who can use the equipment including training.

In the 1980s half of the computers were donated

This failed because there was a lot of money wasted on equipment that was not used and that these less economically developed countries depended on other countries for IT help

These people are lacking the skills in All areas... including, but not limited to:
operation use from basic to management
not enough training centres

The major business skills that are lacking are: Long term business plans that are not being used properly and that people need to learn how to use what is already there rather than buying new stuff


Blogger Petrus said...

I am an African living in Africa and you have to ask WHY we do not have enough telephone lines and enough power provision. Answer: mainly politics. Unaccountable politicians don't believe ordinary people need phones or electricity or broadband. We know quite well what to do with the Internet. The problem is that telecoms in most countries is massively over-regulated. Nigeria, tenth-largest oil producer in the world, but is 70th in electricity consumption (below Cuba - and falling) in spite of being a large and populous country.

1:07 PM  

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